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Drivers All NVidia`s Products: GeForce, Quadro, Tesla etc


NVIDIA’s pioneering work in visual computing — the art and science of computer graphics — has led to thousands of patented inventions, breakthrough technologies and a powerful brand. For two decades, we’ve advanced this uniquely powerful medium, helping to transform the PC from a tool for productivity into one for creativity and discovery, and further the mobile revolution.
At the core of our company is the GPU — the engine of modern visual computing — which we invented in 1999. One of the most complex processors ever built, our latest Kepler generation of GPUs boasts 7 billion transistors. The GPU has propelled computer graphics from a feature into an ever-expanding industry — encompassing video games, movie production, product design, medical diagnosis and scientific research, among other categories. GPUs are now driving new fields like computer vision, computational photography, image processing and augmented reality.

Our products span the entire spectrum of visual computing — from fundamental inventions, to processors incorporating GPUs, to system components, to fully integrated systems. We target three major vertical markets: gaming; professional visualization and design; and high performance computing and big data analytics. For each, we offer a platform of processors, software, tools, marketing, expertise and, increasingly, connected services. We leverage innovations that we create for these markets by selling components and licensing IP to leading OEMs that wish to create devices differentiated by rich graphics.
As the world leader in visual computing, we attract the best minds in the field. Their ingenuity advances the industry. Their drive fuels our company. Our brand inspires a rare devotion that is expressed in deeply personal ways — including artwork, tattoos and even in fans naming their children "NVIDIA."


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